Why Stairlifts Will Always Remain A Popular Mobility Aid

The mobility-aid industry as a whole has seen significant investment over the past few years; not only has money been poured in so as to make products more-accessible, but manufacturers have put more-time into the design process. The outcome has seen stairlifts slowly-but-surely begin to be viewed as the quintessential disability aid, and rightfully so. If you are wondering as to whether or not these are going to die-out, allow Vimec to give you some insight into what makes them so-popular. 

Offers Reassurances

A major selling-point associated with buying a stairlift is that it can demonstrate to your family members that you have the means necessary to look after yourself. If you are starting to enter into your latter years, you can forgive your loved ones from worrying that perhaps your lack of physicality could prevent you from climbing the stairs in a safe manner. Should you make it known that you have a stairlift at your disposal, you can assure them that they do not need to be a constant presence within your home.

Hospital Aftercare Method

When you are released from hospital after an extended stay, the chances are that you will be left weak for some time. The best way in which to regain your strength is to adhere to a strict regime of rest and relaxation – this is where the stairlift can prove itself to be a valuable asset. Rather than try to climb the stairs without any help, which could leave you lacking energy, the stairlift can be utilised as a temporary crutch. Once you are back on your feet, you can sell the unit, as they are valuable assets when kept in pristine condition.

Retains Independence

If you were to speak to elderly individuals that also live-alone, they would tell you that one of the things which they resent the most is their lack of independence. If you fear that you could be potentially facing the same type of situation, now may be the perfect opportunity to try and purchase a state-of-the-art stairlift. Never again will you be forced to rely on the help of outsiders. Instead, you can continue to live your life as you see fit, meaning that your independence will remain intact.

Improved Safety

It would be impossible to compile a list of benefits associated with purchasing a stairlift without pausing to shed some light on the safety features that are available. The seatbelt, for instance, will enable you to go up-and-down the stairs without fear of falling off of the chair. Similarly, the swivel seat which is becoming a standard feature ensures that you won’t need to put yourself in a compromising position during the mounting-and-dismounting process. As you can see, the manufacturers are leaving nothing to chance when it comes to user-safety.

What Can We Offer You?

If you are starting to understand why straight and curved stairlifts will never experience a decline from a quality perspective, you may think that now is the time to potentially invest in a bespoke stairlift. Naturally, you will want for your unit to be affordable and reliable; you will not wish to find yourself in need of a replacement a few months down the line. For those of you that value experience and an immaculate reputation, you could do a lot worse than enlist the help of the Vimec team. Having initially started our work in Italy, our success has allowed us to expand over the past few years. To learn more about the products that we have in-stock, please reach out to us at 01264 939930.

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